Not just a “Christian” podcast

This is not your ordinary “Christian” podcast. This is a hard hitting podcast that unapolegetically brings the truth of God's Word to bear on the extensive issues that engulf us.


We attest to the truth of the Bible, and affirm the historical creeds of the Christian faith. The Bible alone is the final authority for all faith and practice.


We attest the goodness of God's original creation, recognize the present state of creation as fallen, and affirm the eventual restoration of all Creation.


As the kingdom of God is all encompassing, so we seek to bringing every area of life and thought under the rule of Jesus Christ and his kingdom.


About Think&Reform

Engaging the culture with Christ and His Word, the Think&Reform Podcast challenges and offers insight to every issue that the Western Church deems taboo: politics, society, art, entertainment, science, and technology. Join us as we tackle various obstacles head-on from COVID to Cain and everything in between! Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society.